Che! Dame los cinco

No te hagas el canchero

Che! Cómo andas?

Welcome to the “Che! Dame los cinco” newsletter.

For the new folks joining us, I send these 4 things for you every Monday morning:

  1. a new word

  2. a new expression

  3. a piece of content

  4. an exercise for improving your Spanish

📖 Palabra - canchero

I heard this one on my new show (see below). There are various ways to use it. One of them is to mean “cool” or “badass”.

Que canchero sos pibe.
Sos re canchero.

🗨️ Expresión - no te hagas el canchero

So this is a different use of the word in another context. I heard it on my show when one of the characters said, “Bueno, tampoco te hagas el canchero.” Which here means “don’t act all cocky either”

I even used ChatGPT to help me understand this one.

…se utiliza para desafiar o criticar a alguien que está tratando de impresionar a los demás de manera exagerada o arrogante. En otras palabras, se está diciendo que la persona no debería actuar de manera pretenciosa o presumida.


🔗 Contenido - Entrelazados

I was looking for a new show to watch on Disney+ and stumbled upon this: Entrelzados.

It came out in 2021 and is in Rioplatense Spanish 😍 And, it has closed captions which is fantastic if you’re still new to native content in Spanish.

I won’t spoil the plot but I’m on Episode 3 and really enjoying it! I know it’s targeted at a younger audience but hey, we’re using it to get more Spanish so I don’t mind.

💪🏼 Ejercicio - Sing the whole first part (48s)

The last few weeks, we’ve been singing Old Macdonlad in Spanish from Spanish with Liz. Now that we have the whole first part down, let’s practice!

El viejo macdonald tiene una granja

ia ia oh

Y en esa granja tiene una vaca

ia ia oh

Con un mu mu aquí mu mu allá

mu aquí mu allá

todos lados mu mu

We’ll continue learning it over the coming weeks until we can sing the whole thing!

Thanks for reading! Espero que disfrutes la semana 😄

Abrazo de tu amigo,
- Joe

PS — Can you share this newsletter with a friend? We only need a couple more to hit 100! 

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