Che! Dame los cinco - #7

Welcome to the seventh issue of the “Che! Dame los cinco” newsletter.

Che! Cómo andas?

Welcome to the 7th issue of the “Che! Dame los cinco” newsletter.

For the new folks joining us, I send these 5 things for you every Monday morning:

  1. a new word

  2. a piece about Argentinian culture

  3. a new expression

  4. a piece of content I recommend

  5. an exercise for improving your Spanish

📖 Palabra - campera

Yup, it means jacket where as other countries use chaqueta. I always forget this so it’s a reminder for the both of us!

  • La difícil decisión entre buzo y campera.

  • Me compre una campera de River.

🧉 Cultura - Messi coming to Miami

In case you didn’t know, Lionel Messi is one of the greatest soccer players in the world and he’s from Argentina.

And as of a couple days ago, it’s been announced that he’s joining the Major League Soccer (MLS) team in Miami, FL.

Very exciting for everyone in the US and it may dramatically affect the number of people who watch MLS. Read more here.

🗨️ Expresión - no tienen sangre

I heard a friend use this the other day to describe people who aren’t patriotic about their country.

Argentinians are very proud of who they are and their roots. But it can also mean they’re a coward or have no guts.

  • Cómo puede ser que no haya ni un jugador con el ojo morado, o la nariz rota? No tienen sangre estos tipos (tweet)

🔗 Contenido - Grow Up Yourself 

I found out one of my mutuals on Twitter started a self-help podcast recently! It’s a “solo” podcast so there’s only which speaker.

Episodes range from 7-12mins. Here’s a link on Spotify.

💪🏼 Ejercicio - Listening to Numbers

Someone recommended this on Reddit. It’s a game where a speaker says a number and you have to type it. Great for practicing your listening skills!

Thanks for reading! Espero que disfrutes la semana 😄

Abrazo de tu amigo,
- Joe

PS — Can you share this newsletter with a friend? We only need 28 more people to hit 100 subscribers and I’d love your help! 

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